Threnody Voltaire

height: 5'9"
weight: 141 lbs
hair color: dark blonde
eye color: blue
age: 93 years

The only progeny of Shane Montague, Threnody has lived in luxury since she was embraced at the age of twenty-four. She had been living in Scotland with cousins after her parents died in WWI when Shane came to the highlands to study Gaelic traditions and forms of dance in that region. Having taken dance lessons since arriving in Scotland in 1920, Threnody shared a common interest with Shane and was soon taken with his gentle personality and love of life. Shane provided her with a father figure as well as her first real love.

Threnody and Shane parted ways in the early 80s, when Threnody wanted to see the world on her own. Shane and she are still remain a couple. She now resides in the US.

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