
weight:170 lbs
hair color: dark brown
eye color: hazel
age: ?

The owner of the bar Hopes End, Billy has a mind for business and socializing. With his partner and progeny, Tyresius, Billy has maintained Hopes End as well as a chain of night clubs on the East Coast of the US.

Not much is known about this Sard-Vashti except that he is estimated to be a seventh generation vampire. His actual date of birth and birthplace are unknown because he never knew his parents or their whereabouts. His sire apparently made him without the consent of a Queen, for his embrace was not recorded until the late 1700s. Billy cannot even identify his sire because he was influenced to forget by the vampire in question.

With his skill for business and handling mortal/immortal issues, Billy was accepted by the Sard-Vashti clan without hesitation. Since then, he has proven to be one of the best hosts, as well as mediators at Sard-Vashti and Vashti functions.

He has superior use of DOMINATE and PRESENSE and can use CHRYSALIS and CELERITY.

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