
Ah, I can see you like nuts. Well, we only have a few for you to enjoy... and they are all left nuts. WE HAVE NO RIGHT NUTS! NO HAPPY RIGHT NUTS.... OH THE HORROR!


Harlequin, sister to Kuroiko AKA Black Fox AKA Kitsune AKA God That's me, has a talent for drawing, too, and a big fucking axe. And a big, frozen aardvark. Ummm... I am just typing what they tell me to, honest. Of course she is! That green is Harlequin and the purple is Kuroiko. They aren't usually this talkative, I swear. (they put something in my rice krispies). So, this is Harley's page of art and what-not.

or die....

Fan Art
This is Trunks from ... shudder... Dragon Ball Z. This is the same picture colored with color pencils.
Kurama from Yuyu Hakusho. Heero and Duo from Mobile Suit Gundam Wing--this was published in Animerica vol. 8 #11.
Duo holding a Heero doll. Sephiroth drinking his fellow FF7 character, Zax, under the table.
Hiei from YYH. Kuja of FF9.
Kuja again... uh... you will like his ass or i will cry... Hiei again..
Hiei and Kurama... be warned... this is slash.. Aya from Weiss Kreuz... he's mopey because i had to sedate him to get him into those pants..
Aya and Yoji... slash..... the thumbnail links to a page of Harle's and Kuroiko's drawing side by side. Harle's is Draco Malfoy of the Harry Potter books.
Sirius and Remus, also of HP.
uh... this is in response to all those damn cat girls. The world needs more cat boys. Hey, I have cat boys. =( Catboy Kodi.
Catboy Alexsei. Catboy Dario.
Catboy Nicky. this is a func of a friend of mine. he's not really that short, but he always had one eye.
Owen. Owen again.

e-mail Harlequin

e-mail Fyx, the editor

[ Kuroiko no Soukutsu]

[ Fyx's Chartreuse Dreams]

©Fyx 2001-2002